domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010


When my dad was a baby he couldn't express clearly what he wanted.
When my mom was a child, she couldn't ride a bike but when he grew up, learned fast!
When my dad was a child could run 10 times now...
When I was little, I couldn't talk over an hour on the phone, I can say what they want ... I'll pay jiji
  • I think you should...
Please help me and my family.

My family don't get along. It's like we all hate each other. It's my mom, me, my two brothers and a sister. I am the oldest. We all have certain problems. My mom wants to quit smoking so she is really stressed out. I am really selfish. One of my brothers is too bossy. He thinks he is better than the rest of us and that he is the only one who helps my mom. My other brother is kind of abusive and depressed. He always starts fights and he's really spoiled; my sister makes messes and doesn't clean them up. I really want to help because i don't like being upset all of the time and having everyone hate everyone else. Even when we start to get along, someone will say something to upset someone else. Please hele and my family.
Female, 15
Dear Friend:
I try to understand what you spend with your family. I think you should calm down, we all have problems and are so stressed and worried that things are not working well. Not anything else you are and we must learn to live knowing that we all have different character, then try to stay calm and if you are well, maybe your whole house with harmony to flow.
Pamela (:
  • E-mail
Hi! How are you? First thanks for giving me permission to come to Mexico City with my brother, I had a great time. At first I was afraid to carry, but as my brother was waiting for me things got better. We ate very well and cheaply, we went to his house and wait there until the evening, I met all his friends. We went to an incredible party, like those of the films, all white and skin color, with colored lights, international food, music, drinks and a show, it's very good and funny! At the end mariachi and tacos, something very traditional. It was the best party they've gone! But the spell was over and wantedd to let you know that we're going back home to tell them all the details!
I love you daddy. Please write me soon and tell me all your news.
Pam (:

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